president's message

President’s Message ~ What’s In a Name Part II

President’s Message ~ What’s In a Name Part II

I previously wrote about the decision of the National Audubon Society to keep “Audubon” in their name. Since that decision was made this spring, some related events have unfolded.

On November 1, the American Ornithological Society (AOS) announced its decision to remove the name of any person from the recognized names of all birds occurring within their territory. The AOC declined to judge “good people's names” and “bad people's names.” They simply decided: no people names. I agree that a bird's name should be about the bird. When I am looking for a Ruby-throated Hummingbird, the name gives me a clue in the field. If I were looking for an Anna’s Hummingbird, the name provides no such clue.

President's Message

President's Message

The Hermit Thrush (the bird) returns to Vermont each spring, bringing joy to bird enthusiasts. The Hermit Thrush (this publication) returns to Vermont after a long hiatus. We hope to bring joy to bird enthusiasts, as well. “Welcome back” to our longtime fans. “Welcome” to newcomers.

This new incarnation of the Hermit Thrush is the result of the enthusiasm of several new Green Mountain Audubon Society (GMAS) board members and a host of content contributors. In addition to our usual cast of bird enthusiasts, we plan to elevate voices that have not been prominent in earlier editions. We also hope to inspire our members to participate in activities including field trips and educational programs.