Presentations and Recordings
❅ Rare Birds of Vermont with Zac Cota
❅ Managing Grassland Habitats on Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department Wildlife Management Areas
❅ The Common Loon: Stories about a loon’s life and their conservation
❅ Tracking Avian Malaria Parasites in Common Loons in New England
❅ Making Coffee Bird-Friendly: Examining Impacts of Forest Cover and Coffee Cultivation on Bird Diversity in the Neotropics
❅ Next Steps for the Bobolink Project: Connecting Stakeholders to Protect Grassland Birds
❅ Seabird-focused Research on the Palmyra Atoll - Claire Reilly
❅ Bobolink Research in the Adirondacks - Hyla Howe
❅ Birding to Change the World with Trish O'Kane
❅ An Evening of Bird Tales - Hosted by the Friends of Missisquoi NWR
❅ Golden-winged Warbler Research with Emily Filiberti
❅ Great Finds in Nature with Maeve Kim & Bernie Paquette
❅ Winter Birds Primer with Zac Cota
❅ Tech Tools for Birders: eBird App
❅ Tech Tools for Birders: Merlin App
❅ Canada’s Rachel Carson: Louise de Kiriline Lawrence, Songbird Decline, and the Remarkable Influence of Women Watchers
❅ The Fabulous Woodpeckers of Vermont with Zac Cota
❅ Vermont Fall Shorebird Migration: A Photographic Essay with Matthew Bode - Co-hosted with the Friends of Missisquoi NWR
❅ An Evening with Rodney Stotts - Master Falconer (Co-hosted with North Branch Nature Center)
❅ History of the Burlington Christmas Bird Count with Larry Clarfeld
❅ Meet the Timberdoodle - Co-hosted with the Friends of Missisquoi NWR
❅ Birdability with Freya McGregor - Co-hosted with the NBNC
❅ What's In A Name? - with Maeve Kim
❅ Alpine Habitat, Climate Change, and Rosy-Finches with Carl Brown - Co-hosted with the NBNC
❅ Bird Nests: Custom-designed and Custom-built for the Growing Family with Maeve Kim
❅ Bird Species and Habitat Conservation across Vermont with Doug Morin - A Virtual Presentation
❅ The Birds and the Bees in Birdland with Maeve Kim - A Virtual Presentation
❅ Snakes of Vermont with Jim Andrews - A Virtual Presentation
❅ Unique Habitats and Species of the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge - Co-hosted with the Friends of Missisquoi NWR
❅ Winter Finch Forecast with Tyler Hoar - Co-sponsored with the NBNC
❅ Introduction to Winter Birding with Maeve Kim
❅ A Tern for the Better: Common Terns on Lake Champlain
❅ Nocturnal Migration with Larry Clarfeld - Co-sponsored with the NBNC
Useful Links:
- Nocturnal Flight Calls resource:
- Larry's Nocturnal Flight Call highlights:
- Bird Calls Radio Podcast:
- Radar-derived bird migration forecasting:
❅ Planting for Birds with Gwendolyn Causer - A GMAS Virtual Presentation
❅ Green Mountain Meadowlarks: Ecology and Conservation of an Imperiled Grassland Bird - Co-Hosted with the NBNC
❅ Cheeps, Chirps, Hoots and Whistles: How and Why Birds Make Noise - NBS Part IV
❅ Lady Beetles of Vermont: Invasions, Extirpations, and Discoveries
❅ Turtles of Vermont with Jim Andrews
❅ Drawing on Birds with Rosemary Mosco - A North Branch Nature Center and GMAS Co-hosted Presentation
❅ Spring Migration: They're On Their Way! - NBS Part III
❅ What's in a Name?: Bird Subspecies with Richard Littauer - A North Branch Nature Center and GMAS Co-hosted Presentation
❅ Owls of Vermont - A North Branch Nature Center and GMAS Co-hosted Presentation
❅ Black-capped Chickadees with Dr. David Hof
❅ Gear Talk: What you need to get started birding - NBS Part II
❅ Birding: What's all the excitement about? - NBS Part I
❅ The American Plains Bison with Sean Beckett
❅ Birdsong for the Curious Naturalist with Donald Kroodsma - A North Branch Nature Center and GMAS Co-hosted Presentation
❅ Winter Finches with Matt Young