Birding at Mud Creek WMA
By Bruce MacPherson
The name Mud Creek may not sound particularly inviting when it comes to birding, but, believe me, the Mud Creek WMA in Alburgh is one of Vermont's premier birding spots. It might be a bit off the beaten path for many of us, but it’s well worth the trip. Vermont eBird shows that the Mud Creek WMA "hotspot" has 173 species reported as of 2023. Some sought-after species are Virginia Rail, Sora, and Least Bittern.
Snow geese in flight at Mud Creek
Photo: Jeff Hullstrung
I have visited Mud Creek WMA perhaps a half dozen times in the past few years. I have never been disappointed by my visits to Mud Creek and occasionally I have been amazed. Like the day one spring when I found over 1000 Snow Geese flying back and forth between the marshy waters of Mud Creek and the adjacent corn fields. Only Dead Creek WMA in fall can boast such large numbers of Snow Geese in flight. But, in contrast to Dead Creek, I was alone to enjoy the show. My personal list of waterfowl from Mud Creek includes Great Blue Heron, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Canada Geese, Wood Duck, Ring-necked Duck, Mallard, American Black Duck, Green-winged Teal, Blue-winged Teal, Common Goldeneye, and Hooded Merganser to name a few of the "regulars." My best view ever of an American Bittern in flight occurred at Mud Creek. But, of course, there is more to bird life at Mud Creek than waterfowl.
Canada Geese at Mud Creek
Photo: Marc Faucher
Mud Creek WMA is mainly cattail marsh and forested swamp, so it is not surprising that birds of the marsh are heavily represented on the Mud Creek species list. Among the birds to look for are nesting Osprey, Northern Harrier, Pied-billed Grebe, Tree Swallow, Swamp Sparrow, Marsh Wren, Red-winged Blackbird, and the occasional Rusty Blackbird, a declining species in Vermont. But there is an excellent selection of other birds, too, including Baltimore Oriole, Great Crested Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Pileated Woodpecker, Red-eyed and Warbling Vireo, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and a nice selection of warblers, including Yellow Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, and even the occasional Bay-breasted Warbler. On one of our field trips to Mud Creek, we found a Barred Owl roosting in a white pine tree.
Red-winged Blackbird
Photo: Marc Faucher
The easiest way to get to Mud Creek WMA from Chittenden County is to follow Route 2 through the Champlain Islands until you reach Route 78 in Alburgh. Turn right on Route 78 and drive about a mile to a small parking lot on the left. From Franklin County, take route 78 west from Swanton Village, cross the bridge to Alburgh, and drive about 3 miles to the small parking lot on the right. The main trail is the old Rutland Railroad roadbed, which is elevated above the marsh and allows you to walk through the swamp without getting your feet wet! Serious Vermont birders will want to visit the Mud Creek WMA. If you go, bring your spotting scope for an optimal birding experience.