Many of you recently collaborated with fellow birders in the annual Winter Bird Count which, for more than a century, has served as an important effort in ascertaining the current status of bird species. In addition to its primary purpose, the count has provided an opportunity to join together with a community of like-minded individuals sharing the love of our avian fauna. However, simply sharing this love of birds and broadening the support for their preservation is not enough.
Abenaki Signs Installed on the Green Mountain Audubon Center Property in Huntington
Several years ago, the Green Mountain Audubon Society applied for and received a $1500 grant from National Audubon in support of equity, diversity, and inclusion. The grant was used to commission a series of drawings of five native trees, with signage in English and Abenaki, from Swanton-based Abenaki artist and art therapist Fellicia Cota. The artwork was made into weather-durable signs, which Green Mountain Audubon Center staff installed in November in the arboretum outside the main offices on the Huntington property.
Winooski Middle School Receives Grant
GMAS is pleased to share that we have provided a $1500 grant to two educators at The Winooski Middle School to launch their first-ever Birding Club. Inspired by her experiences as part of Dr. Trish O'Kane's "Birding to Change the World" program, which pairs 4th and 5th-grade students with UVM undergraduate student mentors, Winooski student teacher June Laub hopes to bring elements of this model to the learning community at the Middle School.
Burlington Winter Bird Count Highlights
On Sunday, December 15th, the GMAS held its 77th annual Burlington Winter Bird Count as part of the 125th annual National Audubon Society's Christmas Bird Count. Over 60 people participated in the Burlington count, which was split into 18 sectors. The preliminary results show many familiar species and some surprises.
Autumn Outings Report
The Morrison Place
On a beautiful fall morning, GMAS members met with Larry Orvis and Matt Leonard for a stroll in the southernmost portion of Camels Hump State Forest. Spanning 3 towns in as many counties (Buells Gore, Starksboro, and Fayston), this 625-acre parcel has been known by locals as The Morrison Place for over a century. Granted to the state in 1936 by Alvah Stevens, the state refers to it as The Stevens Block. By any name, it is a rare gem for birding high in the foothills of the Green Mountains.
Birders were given a rare opportunity to learn personal and “recent” historical accounts from Larry. He is a direct descendant of families who lived here, working small farms and a mill in the 1800s. The group visited apple orchards, haying fields, cellar holes, and a mill where forestry products such as butter bowls were produced (in 1870 by Buell, Thompson & Co.).
Early Winter and Fall Outings
GMAS outings continue to be well attended and are spread out geographically among the three counties to make it easy for as many people as possible to participate. Below are some of the highlights from recent fall and early winter outings:
Twenty-four people covered more than three miles on Shelburne Farms on a mild October day that yielded 26 species, including the usual gulls, loons, and woodpeckers, a few Common Mergansers, some Eastern Bluebirds, and several dozen White-throated Sparrows.