March Outings Report
by Patrick Phillips
Birding the Ethan Allen Homestead
On the first Saturday in March, a large contingent of 30 birders ventured out from the Ethan Allen Homestead on the surrounding Intervale trails. This walk, which had been postponed due to frigid temperatures the previous Saturday, began with inauspicious conditions due to strong winds, cloudy skies, and cool temperatures. Some felt that they would be fortunate to see a few bird species, but it seemed that the birds had other ideas. To the great pleasure of the group, birds kept showing up. At the end of the morning, an extraordinary 27 species had been observed. Participants had great looks at Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Brown Creepers, American Tree Sparrows, and many other species. A number of participants look forward to returning here to observe changes in both vegetation and avian life in the warmer months ahead.
Here is a link to the eBird report for this outing:
UVM Birding Club at the Missisquoi Refuge
On Sunday, March 24, members of the boards of both the Green Mountain Audubon Society and Friends of Missisquoi guided a group of fifteen students from the University of Vermont Birding Club on trails at the Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge. This trip, which had been rescheduled due to heavy snow the previous day, took the group on the powder-covered Stephen Young Marsh Trail and the Discovery Trail. Brilliant sunshine reflecting off the fresh snow made for excellent viewing. Before even leaving the parking lot, a number of students had life birds as a flock of Snow Buntings flew a few feet above their heads. Along the way, participants had great looks at singing Brown Creepers, soaring Turkey Vultures, and a low-flying Northern Harrier. The bird of the day, however, was a plump Fox Sparrow spotted in an apple tree and entertaining the group with its beautiful song. Birders felt fortunate to see and hear this large sparrow stopping on its northward migration. All were delighted with the recording of 23 species observed and hope to plan a future outing at another venue in the fall.
eBird reports for this outing:
The last Saturday in March brought cold, clear, and windy weather to our area as 13 birders participated in a trip out on the Colchester Causeway. Spotting a variety of passerine species along the sheltered section of the old railway bed, the group began to zip and button up as they proceeded out on the section of the causeway that extended out into the open waters. Battling strong winds, birders observed numerous Buffleheads, Common Mergansers, Turkey Vultures, and even some of the first Tree Swallow migrants of the season. On the return trip, calmer winds and sunshine brought out a diversity of birds in the sheltered portion of the trail, including a Red-Bellied Woodpecker, Carolina Wren, Cedar Waxwings, and Golden-Crowned Kinglets. For all, it was a surprisingly productive morning of birding, given the windy conditions.
Here is a link to the eBird report: