Join Wildlife Biologist Doug Morin for an informative virtual presentation covering bird conservation in Vermont. Vermont has had notable successes with the restoration of peregrine falcons, bald eagles, osprey, and other species. But with a changing climate and land use patterns, some species are moving into the state while others are facing increasing threats. VTFW staff and its partners are now working to monitor and manage a range of birds from eastern whip-poor-wills and chimney swifts to Bicknell’s thrush and golden-winged warblers.
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Doug Morin has worked for the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department since 2013. As Bird Project Leader, he manages the Department’s conservation efforts on most bird species throughout the state. He has a M.S. degree from the University of Vermont. Most days, he can be found in front of his computer, but his favorite days involve spotting scopes and canoes.